Sunday, August 22, 2010

Google Adsense

   I was talking to my parents about getting AdSense for my blog. AdSense is this thing that earns bloggers money by posting ads chosen by them and earning money on a per-click basis. This seemed like a great idea, with me earning a small trickle of mula (hopefully) at no cost to me; until I found out you have to pay a certain amount for every thousand clicks. I thought I might be able to balance out the cost with lemonade money that I earn each summer. (I'm able to earn a good 4-7 bucks in the hour-and-ad-half I just sit out there waiting for people to buy my 7oz. cups for 50 cents each >.<, although sometimes I raise the cup size to about 10-12oz. and keep the same cost.) But that was until I found out that Google would close your account after you earn $100. There are still other ways to earn a little more money with AdSense, but with the small amount of people that visit (and follow, but no one is following yet) my blog, it wouldn't be worth the cost. maybe in the future I'll be this amazing blogger with like, over 9,000 =) followers, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

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