Friday, August 20, 2010

Eternal Life (technically)

I was just reading the Battle of the Labrinth when I came upon the part where Daedulus had lived forever in a bunch of different robot thingies and it made me wonder if it was even possible. It probably isn't because, well, you can't really put your soul in robot, or for that matter build the things he's made in his life. But if it was possible, what would you do? Would you even want to live forever and see everyone die, or would you want to live forever because you could do so many things? It kinda reminds of that stupid Tuck Everlasting book that was the spark of so many arguments between me and Mrs. Komlos that usually ended in her giving me a look like she knew everything with her chin up high saying, "No. It doesn't work like that." I kinda wished that she actually was open to different ideas and opinions. (It was later found by Joey Orr that she has Allodaxaphobia).
But onto that eternal life thing. My opinion: It'd be nice to die in life, but I'd have to say that living forever would be better. Not that I like sitting on porches and watching cars go by (if you get the analogy), but you would be so much wiser and smarter. No offense to all you I-want-to-die-because-I-want-to-go-to-heaven-and-see-my-family-and-firends people, but I'd rather live forever.And also think about how Daedulus eventually died. Maybe their could be some way to eventually die, like burning your body to nothing. Well, I guess it's hard to decide over one of mankind's biggest struggles. Death or no death?

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